What Kind Of Tractor Do I Need?
Purchasing a tractor can be a big decision for beginning farmers. This guide serves to break down some of the most common options on your search for the right machine.
The Right Machine For The Job
If you can do it all with a tractor, why would a small farm need any other machine?
Training Sheep on Electric Fence
Learn about some common problems with electric fencing and how we train our sheep to respect the fence.
Book Review: Comeback Farms
Greg Judy tells of his journey to profits in livestock grazing through colorful stories and detailed descriptions of his grazing management practices.
A Short Off-season
It feels like the Holiday Market was just yesterday but we have been very busy preparing for a fast approaching 2024 market season. Find out what’s new for 2024!
Rant: “100% Vegetarian Fed Chicken”
In the grocery store, marketing terms like “free-range” and “organic” can often be confusing but at least they sound like nice ways for an animal to live. So why would a farm market their chicken as vegetarian fed? Aren’t chickens known for scratching about for bugs to eat?
Nothing Beats Having Keets
It’s a bird! It’s a chicken! No, its a guinea! One of the lesser known farm animals, the guineafowl is a wonderful addition to the homestead. Between watching out for strangers and providing endless amusement, these are some entertaining critters to have around.
Time Travel
Here we explain the time gap between our old website blog posts and our new ones. Much has happened and we hope to share our new wholesome food and experiences with you.
Hooked on Quack
Once you go quack, you never go back. Our experiment with the ducks has paid off. Let us share what we have learned and know that more ducks are on the way!
The Mauldin Poultry Wars
We will not be defeated! Follow our journey to becoming the leading poultry farmers within the Mauldin family.
Building a Chicken Coop
Considering starting your own small flock of chickens? Well, they will need a home to live in! Read here to find out the minimum coop requirements and specifications we used to construct our first mobile backyard coop.
Beekeeping - 1 Month
We share our experiences of the first month of beekeeping. If you are considering getting bees of your own, read this post to find out what it is really like from a total newbie perspective.
Installing a Package
The most common way to purchase honeybees is by the pound in what is known as a “package”. A package of bees is shaken (really) into their new home. The queen must be acquainted to and released by her new minions!
Hive Infrastructure
Bees live in a box. Here we explore the standard shelter requirements for domesticated honeybees.
Expecting a Litter
Can you feel the love tonight? We are expecting our first litter of rabbit kits soon!
The Hive is a Superorganism
Darwin’s Conundrum - How can an organism that puts the hive’s survivability above its own fit into Darwin’s natural selection?
Breeding Rabbits
Rabbits have long been a symbol of fertility. Even though rabbits breed like rabbits, the husbandry is not as simple as it may seem.
Rich as Dirt
Amy talkin’ dirty to us - In this post, Amy discusses how we need to stop treating dirt like… well, dirt.