Time Travel

I recently added our old blog posts to the website while creating some brand new juicy content. In doing so, I realized that there is about a 5 year gap between the old posts and new. Fear not, for we have not timetraveled from the past!

So why have we neglected the blog for so long? Well, we decided that focusing on Instagram and other social media was a higher priority at the time but no more! We are back in the blog game and will be creating new posts regularly that you won’t want to miss. The old posts were mostly written by my smart, beautiful wife, Amy. Much to the chagrin of my loving brother and sister, the new posts will be written primarily by me, Matt (I promise lots of entertainingly poor grammar and snarkiness along the way). Be sure to make an account and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date and get exclusive offers.

Our old posts were from 2017 and in case you haven’t been following us on Instagram or IRL (In Real Life - for those of you still using Mapquest), just a few things have happened since then. We have moved from renting 2.5 acres to building a home on 38 acres of our own. We have lived in a camper, built a house, stopped raising rabbits, started raising sheep (now up to 17 heads), constructed a high tunnel, raised guinea fowl, raised ducks, redone the website, and have had 2 kids. I’m sure there are many things I have left off the list but those are the highlights. Amy continues to work as a Physician Assistant and Matt works as an Engineer. Almost all of our free time is spent working on the farm. We stay pretty busy.

We stopped doing the farmer’s markets for a while but are now regularly working the Mid City Market about once a month and opened an online store. There are many exciting things to come and we can’t wait to share our adventure and wholesome food with you!


Nothing Beats Having Keets


Hooked on Quack